Online study is possible from anywhere

Today’s technological possibilities have expanded the boundaries of our knowledge so much that we can now learn from anywhere. Even from the subway. How so?

Have you thought about how much time you spend moving around in different modes of transportation? Some of us use this time to observe our surroundings, others make connections with people around us, others enjoy playing with electronics or reading.

But there are also those of us who try to use the time effectively and learn something. Thanks to modern learning methods such as e-learning, you can learn absolutely anywhere.

Today, many educational institutions operate on this basis. Graduating from a purely online school is no longer a problem.

Become a programmer or logistician online!

The system described above is also used by the European Training Academy. The training programme is based on distance learning and without time limitations. This allows students to make the most of their time.

Disciplines offered online:

Electrician 26-51-H/01
Programmer and IT Specialist
Artificial Intelligence AI course
Logistics and Financial Services 37-42-M/01
Photovoltaic Systems Installer 26-014-H
BBA studies
MBA studies
MSc. Study
MPA study
LL.M studies
DBA study

Over time, the school has developed a stimulating international climate that allows students to bond with each other and with individual tutors. Many of them can use these relationships to enter new careers and form their first important contacts. As a result, they gain new opportunities and can move up the career ladder.

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Zdroj: Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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